The research project is carried out at ILIESI-CNR. The CNR or National Research Council of Italy is the largest research institution in Italy, emplyoing thousands of researchers in all branches of knowledge. The ILIESI or Institute for the European Intellectual Lexicon and History of Ideas carries out research in the large field of the history of philosophical and scientific ideas and related lexical structures in the framework of the European tradition from Antiquity to Early Modern Age. To this aim, our institute largely employs digital methods for the analysis and treatment of texts or textual corpora in addition to the more traditional approaches offered by philology and textual hermeneutics. Combining these various research approaches, i.e. history of ideas, lexical analysis of texts, and digital Humanities, has always been a distinctive feature of ILIESI’s activities, which made it a unique case in the scholarly landscape at the international level.

ILIESI is hosted by the Department of Philosophy of the Università di Roma “La Sapienza” inside the beautiful setting of Villa Mirafiori in the heart of Rome.

ILIESI houses one of the largest collections of books, volumes and scientific journal on Ancient Philosophy in Italy, comprising thousands of titles.
ILIESI publishes three series of volumes (Elenchos, Lessico Intellettuale Europeo, ILIESI digitale) and two journals («Elenchos», «Lexicon Philosophicum»), while offering its scholarly patronage to the journals «Bruniana & Campanelliana» and «Aristotelica».